She Devil

This tut used a PTU (pay to use) kit, and I don't have the extra funds right now. Let alone, I don't like to purchase kits if I know I won't use them again. While I liked this tut image, I wasn't that impressed with the scrap kit that I thought I would use it to create anything else. Not worth it to me to purchase. You might feel very differently. I am strangely picky on my tastes in holiday kits. I want a certain specific feel, and if I don't see it, I am turned off a bit. I'm sure it all goes back to your own idea of traditions, and family history, and all that. Not a reflection on the scrap kit designer at all. Just family tradition. I think the scrap kit designer is very good. It's just not my version of Halloween.

Anyway, I did a lot of subbing on this. I used some of the images I gathered when working on the last kit. A lot of Billy designs went into this as well. I tried numerous tubes with it, too, and finally felt drawn to this PinUp Toons tube. I kept going back to that one. And it was odd, because I started out convinced that I wanted a witch, and ended up with a devil. But I was drawn to it for some reason.

The spider web excited me. I didn't have the kit, so I needed to sub it. I didn't like any of the webs I'd gathered from freebie kits. So I got the idea of looking at This worked out great! I found a web there. It wasn't the perfect image I was looking for (less twig, more web please), but it would work. I used it as an overlay. I liked that a lot! And I liked my mask choice a lot too. Sort of spooky-ish, but a little whimsical too. I had a lot of fun working on this. I got quite a ways away from the original tut, but it was a pleasant journey. I kept trying to find a ghost to use, but I wasn't satisfied with anything I came up with, so I skipped it. I didn't really miss it in the end, though I sort of dropped the Ghost Time theme, LOL. All in all, it was a fun tag to make. And i was very satisfied with the animations. I liked how I got the pumpkins (thank you Billy) to light up. I didn't like the way the spider got sort of lost in the background, and I couldn't seem to highlight it sufficiently. Oh well. I did end up liking my version better than the original tut. I think for once my color choices were more successful. Other people did not agree with me, but that's okay. I had fun with it.

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