Santa's Journal

Okay, this could very well be my most complicated tag so far. I followed the tut to make a standard tag. I really liked this one. The Santa was cool, old fashioned looking, the way I like. I was very happy with the simple tag. And even learned that there is an "offset" button. Interesting. I used a tan background, because if I put this on my website, it might not look too great with the dusty pink background.

But at the bottom of the tutorial, there are instructions for how to animate the tut into a puzzle! With an autistic child in the house, and being the webmaster for the local autism support group, and puzzle pieces are the international symbol for autism, well, I just HAD to make the animated tut!

The animation was fun, a little complicated but not over my head, mostly just time consuming. And when I got all done with it, I just kept looking at old St. Nick expecting him to wink or something. So I kept going with the animation.

Now I have a winking puzzle Santa tag! ta da!

Tag Tutorials Used:

Puzzle Tutorial Used:

Wink Tutorial:



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