Psycho Jimi

Hi. I've been MIA for a while. There was a death in my family, and I haven't had the time to update my blog yet. I'll work on that. (Soon).

But before I do, I want to address something. I heard something that upset me a great deal. I heard there is an artist who has been providing free artwork in the tagging community, that is now going PTU (pay to use). Before agreeing to do so, he wanted to be assured that he'd be allowed to also provide some free tubes to the taggers. I thought that was a very cool thing to do. But instead of rallying behind this artist, the poor guy received HATE MAIL, for daring to charge money for his art. I was appalled to hear this. I spoke out in a bulletin board group I belong to, but I thought I'd also post it here.


Wow, I can't believe this.

Why on earth would anyone send hate mail to someone who has shown them such generosity and kindness? How can people be so heartless and selfish?

We should be cheering on artists that go on to get paid for their efforts! Applaud them! Support their work, if you are able! Be grateful for the time you were able to enjoy their work for free. Give them your wishes for abundant success!

I realize that these are hard economic times. I'm hurting too. We all are. But since when do *we* feel the economic pinch, but assume that the artists DON'T? For crying out loud, if they are able to make a buck or two off their skills, their blood and sweat and tears, then all power to them! Why are they not allowed to want compensation for their work? Geez, I thought slavery was something we renounce, not demand from an artist!

I don't know Psycho Jimi, or his work (though I will certainly look it up now!), but I do think it's wonderful that he could provide free artwork to others, and then find a reward for his efforts. I thank him for providing free art for a time, even if I didn't take advantage of it, and I hope he finds enormous success in his new endeavors.

I don't mind buying artwork I like, even if it was once given freely to others before the artist was discovered. If I like it, I buy it. If I can't afford it, I'll wait until I can. If it's out of my league to purchase, I'll admire it from afar. But under no circumstance will I begrudge an artist his compensation. I admire their abilities. I appreciate the beauty they provide us, and the wonderful artistic expression they encourage. And I'll be the first to pat them on the back for getting paid for a job well done.

Psycho Jimi was incredibly giving to offer free tubes, for ANY amount of time. And how considerate to worry about others losing the free art, and assuring that some would still be made available! What a kind and generous soul!

Seems to me that we should be the first ones lined up at his door, to buy his new releases if we are lucky enough to be able to do so, and show him some of the kindness he showed us. I would sure love to support artists that supported me when I needed it. And because I know this artist had once supported the tagging community, I will go to him first, the next time I need a tube. He may have lost a few miserable fans with his decision to sell his work, but he gained one customer in me, sight unseen, for being such a nice person to the taggers.

And shame on anyone who speaks badly of an artist who showed them so much kindness.

With Appreciation,
Mindless Scrap


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