Tag Challenge, Mission From God

They came up with a weekly challenge where you have to create your own tag, no tutorial. You can use kits or whatever, but no step by step instructions. It's all about your own creativity.

I used a scrap kit that was offered by Autism Speaks a while back, but I don't think it is available any longer, so I can't give you a link. The Papers, frames and elements all came from this kit.

Tube is Popeye Wong. You can find it here: http://www.popeyewong.com/eng/toons.htm. It's called Hitgirl.

The briefcase came with my software, under Tubes, Office. I just did a color adjustment to turn it from brown to black.

The mask is a combination. I used a puzzle piece mask that I received as a goodie in another group. I wasn't happy with that alone, because it took up the entire background, so I merged the group and applied a heart shaped mask, Vix Mask 184, over the top of that. Then I duplicated the mask twice and positioned the three hearts in a linked chain from the top left to the bottom right.

For the glitter on the puzzle pieces and the heart, I used DSB Flux, Bright Noise.

The font is Big Bloke. You can find it here: http://www.dafont.com/big-bloke-bb.font. I used the same font for the name and the "Mission" comment. (That line came from a movie: The Blues Brothers. I chose the Popeye Wong tube and the briefcase tube because they reminded me of the clothing worn in the movie.)

The photo I took. That's my little boy. He has Asperger's Syndrome, which is a high functioning form of Autism, so he was the inspiration for this tag (and my Mission from God). I used the background eraser tool to clear out the kitchen wall that had been behind him, and the kitchen table and birthday cake that had been in front of him. I also used the clone brush to remove the candle from in front of his shirt, and took off the Birthday Boy pin he was wearing, LOL. (I didn't know when I removed them that the ribbon probably would have covered them up anyway. Oh well.)

This was a lot of fun. And this tag is very meaningful to me.

Tutorial Used: None



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