Creative Challenge 0412-0418: Pixie

In this challenge, we're supplied all the goodies, and we need to create something with it. I liked the tube. It was interesting. And I liked all the individual goodies, but I had trouble putting them together into one design. I liked the mask, but didn't want to cover up the edges of it. And I liked the frame, but I couldn't seem to get it to work the way I wanted it to with the mask. So instead, I shrunk the frame down, and used MM copies to create a different frame. (It's not against the rules, honest!) I liked the brush, and used it applied to the mask. (Remember, I wanted more reasons to use brushes.) I used Eye Candy chrome on the font, since none of the colors I tried really showed up well against the blue and white. I thought that worked fairly well. Then I animated the mask with a Xenofex Constellation. Simple tag, but it appealed to me.

Tutorial Used: None



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