Tag for Me, Tut for You 0308

I love doing this. And I feel like I'm learning something new every time. Someone posts a tag tutorial that they would like for you to make them, and then you post a tutorial you want someone else to make for you. It's a lot of fun. I usually make one for myself as well. Hey, if I don't like it enough to use it, I shouldn't be giving it to someone else, right?

I got a kick out of this one! I loved the champagne bubbles!! I would love to use that effect again. It just delights me every time I look at this. And DH, of course, is delighted with the Garvey tube, ROFL.

The tube used in the original was very cool. I liked that one too. It also matched the colors in this a little better. Maybe I'll look into getting that one, one of these days. But at least this one still looked pretty neat. This is one of my favorite tags so far.

Tutorial Used: http://www.chaotichousedesignz.com/index.php?pr=Champagne_Sparkle


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