Preset Shape from a Dingbat Tutorial

I enjoyed learning this. I was to find a dingbat font, and use one of the dingbats to create a preset shape. The dingbat challenge is to help us figure out how to make scrapbook kits, papers, elements, etc. I’m not sure yet how I’ll use it, but it’s good to know anyway. At least now I know there are preset shapes in there, and how to find them.

You can find dingbat fonts (free!) that will provide you with most any shape you can imagine. So my first step was to go seeking dingbats.

I found lots of them. One that I wanted to try had several different bunnies on it. (I like bunnies a lot, and I collect bunnies.) Then I followed the tutorial to create a preset shape.

You discovered in my last two posts that I could use a preset shape to cut out a photo, so I tried the process again. Practice makes perfect, right?

There wasn't any purpose to using a bunny font, but hey, I like bunnies so what the heck. It's just for learning purposes. Yes, I entered it as a challenge submission, but not as a competitive measure. It's a "See, I can do it!" kind of gesture. Why not? Someday I'll be glad I did this.

Actually, I'm already glad I'm doing all of this. It's a blast!

Tutorial Used:

Dingbat used: LP Rabbits 1,

More Dingbats: House of Lime, Dingbats UK



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