Picture of Elegance

I tried a simple tutorial today. I didn't expect to learn anything from this one, since it was designed to be a simple beginner tut, but I was pleasantly surprised. Not that I saw myself as anything but a beginner, but when I first looked at the sample I thought I could copy it with little instruction. I'm not quite sure why I still followed the directions to the letter, but I'm glad I did. They showed me how to add a texture to the frame, and I realized how easily I could create my own frames, without having to find a pre-made one. Fascinating! Excellent reminder not to blow off a tutorial because it appears too easy at first glance. No matter how simple, it still has the potential to teach me something.

Another thing I learned was about using texture to create the shadow effect on the name. I used Effect-Texture-Blinds for that, and then reduced the transparency to create a striped shadow effect. Fun!

Tutorial Used: http://fisfault.co.uk/tuts/PictureOfElegance.html



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