One Month

I just realized that I've been doing this digital scrapping for a month now. I was scanning back at my posts, and watched the progression as I went from a very basic siggy to where I'm at now.

I never would have believed a month ago that I would be here. I never thought I would be using animation, glitter, or designing my own blog bling. I had no idea what masks, tubes or brushes were. Oh, and today I learned about scripts! (Interesting concept. I'm not sure how I'll use that yet, but it's neat to know about it.) I'm not only learning some of the lingo and the abbreviations, I'm also learning techniques, and I'm learning how to use the software and where to find the tools I need.

I wouldn't say it was hard to learn. I've had too much fun to say that. But it was frustrating at times. I think I've jumped in far over my head on more than one occasion, but the irritation was worth it. I learned.

I've also found some great mentors. I'm in three different groups related to this. One is phenomenal for teaching but isn't very warm and fuzzy. Another is warm and fuzzy and is also pretty informative. And the third is extremely warm and fuzzy, but I haven't learned a whole lot there...yet. (I find them more useful for reference, and for lots of creative inspiration. I won't say what group is what, lol. I think they are all very good, for different things. And I think they all have more or less importance to me at different times. I don't think I'll outgrow any of them. And I like them all very much. I guess my point is, there is help out there, and people willing to offer a helping hand or a pat on the back if you want it. You just have to be willing to try this stuff. Get your hands dirty, don't worry about failure, and just give it a shot. It's easier than it looks. And it takes less time and work than I thought to feel productive.

It was interesting to read through and see, 'oh, that's when I learned to use a mask,' and 'I learned to do animation there!' and see my first use of a brush. I see things I would change about a siggy, and in fact I did change some of them. I went back and applied glitter to some. I probably shouldn't have done that, but I see that I missed one along the way. Good. That reminds me of how I progress. How far I've come!

I'm very proud! I'm quite happy with how I'm doing. And I'm excited by this. It's a terrific creative outlet. (And I don't even have to go out and buy yarn or fabric, lol!)

So I'm celebrating. I'm acknowledging my accomplishment of taking on a new experience and finding a little success. I've learned, that's my success. I've produced graphics that I'm happy with. I'll always be learning and growing. But I'm very happy that I'm further along right now than I anticipated at the onset. I'm still a newbie. But I've dropped the "uber newbie" title. Just a newbie now, a beginner level. One of these days, maybe I'll consider myself and intermediate level, but that seems far off right now. But I feel like I've graduated from that floundering, lost uber newbie, and that's worth smiling about.



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