I Messed Up

I feel like such an idiot.

I've been working on these pin up tutorials. And having a blast at it, I might add. And I've been going along, posting my work, believing I was being copyright compliant.


When I purchased my artwork tubes, it said to click on a link to get the license information. Which I did. But the link wasn't working, and all I got was an error message. I figured the information would come with the invoice, which was being emailed to me. No such luck. I couldn't find anything that gave a license number. However, I did see the order ID number, and that was specific to my purchase, so I had mistakenly believed that must be the license number.


Then, for the copyright, I had thought you were supposed to put the website on the work. And you are. So I did. But I put the website of the place where I purchased the artwork (after all, this is to prove you paid to use this artwork right? And I paid at that website.


Sheesh. Can't I do something right here??? I didn't even realize anything was wrong, until I stumbled across a post on a forum that complained that their license link didn't work. Aha! Someone else had the same problem, huh? I wondered if they had an explanation for what went wrong. But in that post, someone mentioned that the license should have been sent along with the invoice. Um. You mean the invoice number wasn't the license number?? Oh crap. And this was just after I had submitted a siggy for a challenge competition.

Quickly I sent off a message to the place where I purchased the tubes (artwork). I explained my dilema, and included a sample of what I used for copyright info, to see if this was proper, and if I was being compliant. I do want to be compliant! (I wonder if my browser is the problem? I use Firefox, and I've noticed there are some things that work differently with it, or don't work at all.)

A short while later, I get a message sent to me from the list mom on the board where I submitted my siggy for the challenge. She said my copyright was incorrect. I quickly explained my problem with the license, and how I had already appealed to the store for assistance in the matter. I assured that I would have the copyright fixed as soon as I got the response from the store. I offered to remove the siggy in the meantime if she wished.

She had already deleted it.

Ouch. I really was trying to be compliant! I've only had this software for what, a week now? I'm TRYING to do this right, honest!

Well, one good thing that came out of it was that she pointed out my error on the website info, too, and told me where to find the proper website. One problem solved. But I'm still waiting for the info from the store, so I can put the correct license number on the siggy. I sure wish it would come in before the Sunday deadline on the competition. I don't believe I'll win, but I want to participate. I kinda want to at least display that my skills are growing, if only in small increments.

Oh well. There's always next week's challenge. And the weeks after. Soon I'll repost my original sigs (copyright compliant, this time), and I'll happily show you what I've been working on.

In truth, I'm absolutely delighted with siggy making. I'm learning so much!! Hey, I even was able to create a siggy with ANIMATION!!! WOOHOO!! I can't wait to show you! It's small, and it's simple, but it's MOVING!! YIPPEE!!


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