She's Baaaaaaack....

Hi Gang!

I've been MIA for quite some time, eh? Life has been rather challenging for the past year or two, and I guess a bit of a break was in need. But hopefully we are done with hospitals and nursing homes and funerals for a while. Hopefully a LONG while.

I was going to try to catch you all up on what I've been doing with my digital work, but that's going to be an enormous undertaking. I think I'll just give you the quickie summary, and maybe I'll fill in the details another time.

I finished my Incredimail Stationery classes! Both the regular stats, and the inline stats. Gosh, that was fun! I highly recommend Creative Minds IM Stats 101, a Yahoo Group. The teachers are fantastic, and I learned some awesome techniques. I'm not very technically inclined, either, so I give them a lot of credit for teaching this old dog some cool new tricks.

I've also been tagging away, and now I tend to make matching stats while I'm at it.

Okay, so that's the quickie version of 'What I Did On My Summer Vacation.' Let's get on with my very latest endeavor: I wrote a tut!

Stay tuned.




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