Autumn Leaves
I love fall leaves! I love the colors, this time of year. I've been looking for some tuts that emphasize this, and this one fit the bill. This was not a complicated tut, and it had a nice look, I thought. But when it was done, I kept wanting to see a leaf flutter to the ground in the background. It suddenly occurred to me that I might have some leaf floaties, and I did! They were a little smaller than I wanted, and a little too many, but what the heck. It looked okay, and it was less work than trying to animate it on my own. Lazy, I know. But I do need more experience with animations before I tackle creating my own floaties. The original tut used animated word art. But I wasn't thrilled with the art, nor was I thrilled with it's lack of definition. I couldn't read it without squinting at it, and it bored me. I much preferred my floaties instead. And I preferred my choice of a background image. That came from Love that site! Tutorial Used:...
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