Vexel Painting

Oh, WOW! This was FUN! Frustrating (because I forgot to save, and lost everything half way though it, argh!!), and complicated, but so rewarding!!

Vexel painting is sort of like tracing over an image, and filling it in. Kind of a paint by numbers idea. I took a photo, and traced over it to create this image. It was so thrilling to be able to create my own tube/image! I know, cheating by tracing, but still it was not an easy task, and it did use a lot of my own work to get the look I ended up with. I'm still no artist, by any stretch. But I was able to create something! And it was FUN! It made being a frustrated artist a lot less frustrating. I plan to use this technique again. And again!

Tutorial Used: (This is a member only site)


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