Cleaning Up My Messes
As you will soon see, I got my proper license information, and I’ve been fixing all my mistakes. I started with the competition siggy, since there was a deadline there. Then when I logged onto the forum to post the siggy, I caught sight of this: I just wanted to give you all a heads up. I have a friend that is a tuber for MPT and she told me that the CafeMom site had been reported as having alot of copyright violations in regards to their tubes. People not obtaining and/or making up license numbers . I have seen this on other sites. They will secretly look around for months and gather information on who is violating. They have and will sue you for copyright violations do PLEASE be careful when you add your lisence information so you get it right. I have a feeling they will be checking all the siggy groups to make sure there are no violaters. They wont go after Cafemom they will go after you. I think its terrible that people do this anyway but if you do be careful. You might be making a...